Parking Guide

The towns of Frostburg and Cumberland have ample street parking as well as municipal lots and parking garages to make it convenient for you to explore. Use our guide to help navigate locations, fee schedules, and payment apps.

Downtown Cumberland Parking

There are over 1500 public parking spaces in downtown Cumberland, not including private lots and those at Canal Place. 

The Center City parking garage and Liberty Street surface parking are $1.50 per hour. All other metered parking is $1.00 per hour. All metered and municipal surface parking lots are free weekdays after 5, on weekends, and on holidays. You can park overnight but will be ticketed if you don't pay by 8 a.m.

Surface parking at Lot 6 under Interstate 68 is free 24/7 as is Lot 4 on Mechanic Street. There are numerous free time zone parking spaces throughout the downtown area. These are enforced during regular business hours.

There are kiosks at several locations replacing parking meters, accepting coins and credit cards. Display the receipt on your dashboard.

City Centre Parking Garage
Available 24/7 at $1.50 per hour with a maximum charge of $12 per day, credit card/debit card only. The entrance is on George Street with the exit onto Union Street. Monthly parking permits are available for $85 for first level entry and $60 for all other levels. Check out the City's murals on each level.

Frederick Street Parking Garage
Entirely by monthly permit at all times. First level is $95 and a tiered system of $80 and $60 for higher levels.

Lot 1 - Mechanic Street
Monthly permit parkin for $35.

Lot 3 - Greene Street
Monthly permit parking for $40.

Canal Place Public Lots
The gated lot in front of the Western Maryland Railway Station is available 24 hours a day. The first hour is free and every hour thereafter is $1. credit cards only.

GAP Trail Overnight Parking
The lot next to the Footer Building on Howard Street is free all day with free overnight parking available for trail users.

Parking Map


Trailer Parking

Hikers/bikers with trailers to are able to park at the S Mechanic Street lot under the 68 overpass. Please note:  This is a designated Permit Only Lot. However, the City of Cumberland will continue to allow vehicles with trailers to use that lot free of charge. If the hikers/bikers are using a vehicle sans trailer, they must use other City parking lots.

Trailer parking map

City Of Frostburg Parking

The City of Frostburg has ample street parking and municipal parking lots throughout downtown regulated through parking meters. Meter parking is enforced Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. 

Parking fees are $.50/hour, for a maximum of two hours. Coins can be inserted directly into the meter, and meters accept quarters, dimes, and nickels. The parking lots behind the public library and Saint Michael's Catholic Church are free parking lots. Overnight parking is prohibited without a permit.

The City of Frostburg has partnered with ParkMobile to enable parking meter payments via smartphone app! The app allows users the option to pay for parking with a credit/debit card, through PayPal, or via Apple Pay. The app also allows users to track the time they have left and to feed the meters (up to 2 hours maximum) using their smartphones.

Each meter has a ParkMobile sticker on it showing the parking zone number. Users can simply park, sign into the app, enter their zone number or use the GPS location feature, and pay, all from their smartphones. Vehicle information and payment methods can be saved in the app for quick and convenient entry.

Parking Map

Refer to the gray areas marked with a P. Two municipal parking lots have electric vehicle parking stations, marked with EV.
