
Shop Small, Big Win for the Holidays Campaign

As a Mountain Maryland business, we invite you to participate in our Shop Small, Win Big for the Holidays campaign. We have teamed up with our community partners to elevate our small businesses during this holiday season.

About The Promotion:

Through regional newspapers, radio, and digital advertising, Allegany County Tourism will be pushing shopping at small businesses for the holiday season, from November 29 - December 19, 2024.

We will be giving away $1,000 in prizes to shoppers who visit qualifying Mountain Maryland businesses in the form of Visa gift cards to be used locally.

Every time a shopper purchases from a qualifying business, they will have the opportunity to enter into a drawing for $50 gift cards. We will select three winners weekly on Thursdays - December 5, 12 and 19. The winner of the grand prize of $550 will be selected on December 20.

How This Works: 

  • Businesses will register as a participating business by completing the form below.
  • Businesses that complete the participating business form will be added to Shop Small, Win Big website landing page.
  • Participation is open to all locally owned retail or dining businesses in Allegany County, MD. 
  • There is no cost or fee for your business to participate. 
  • By participating, you acknowledge the following:  
    • Your business will be open this holiday season during the promotion period of November 29 - December 19, 2024.
    • You acknowledge awareness of this promotion and your enthusiasm to promote it to customers.
  •  RETURNING! We will reward the *participating business* that is patronized the most (meaning has the most submitted shopper receipts) by providing a $250 Visa gift card to the business owner to also shop small this holiday season AND a free half page AD in the 2025 Visit Mountain Maryland Destination Guide. 

Please Note: 

  • Restaurant and dining businesses must offer gift card/certificate sales, branded merchandising, or goods for sale in-store in order to qualify as a participating business.
  • Online sales receipts to your business will be accepted for the contest, but your business must have an open brick-and-mortar storefront in order to be included as a participating business. 



Thank you to our community partners!

Canal-Place-LogoCumberland-Downtown-Development-Commission logo
DCBA-LogoFrostburgFirst-Logo Allegany County MD Chamber of Commerce Logo